About Us
Who We Are?
Crystal Clear Translation or Crystal Clear Translation LTD is a UK based organisation. The organisation was launched to assist Local Authorities, NGOs and Charities to tackle communication barriers between themselves and their service users. The organisation has since provided “on demand” language related services; with a mission of ensuring inclusion at every opportunity presented. Services provided by Crystal Clear Translation include; Interpreting, Proof-Reading, Translating, Transcription, Language Tuition and Video-Subtitling.
Today Crystal Clear Translation works in over 100 languages and dialects; the team has worked across a number of fields, some of which include; Marketing, Diplomatic Affairs and Social Welfare.
Why Use The Crystal Clear Translation?
Reliability and Quality
We understand the necessity of being an organisation that our clients can rely on; our team are very supportive and cohesive however we are realistic and encourage our translators to turn down work if they feel that they do not have enough time to complete the project to a high standard of quality. All projects have to go through a number of translators and a multilingual project manager prior to its completions.

Cultural Awareness and Inclusion
We understand the importance of cultural awareness and inclusion. We are aware that cultural knowledge is extremely important when translating and interpreting which is why we have a very multicultural team; individuals from different backgrounds striving to ensure that communication gaps are filled and all parties feel a sense of inclusion.
Accuracy and Professionalism
We conduct ourselves in a professional manner every step of the way, ensuring that we uphold our client’s image. All projects have to go through a number of translators and a multilingual project manager prior to its completions, after which the project is again scrutinised for errors by native speakers of the target language.
Quick turnaround
At Crystal Clear Translation we understand the importance of meeting deadlines. We ensure that all translation requirements are produced accurately and delivered in a timely manner in order to help our clients reach their deadlines.