Languages Articles

Here’s how to pass a job interview in a foreign language with flying colours

Daunting in its own right, the idea of job searching can come equipped with a lot of stress for an individual. From writing your CV, sending in applications, or even beginning your first day in a new job, perhaps the most important part is the interview. That time old...

Refugees and Asylum seekers in the UK: How can we overcome language barriers using professional translators and interpreters?

Written by Shannon Walker. According to 2018 statistics, there are over 170,000 combined refugees and asylum seekers living within the united Kingdom. An individual may seek refuge or asylum from their own country when they find themselves and their families in some...

Multilingual Manchester: What Are The Top Foreign Languages Spoken In The City?  

When one thinks of language diversity and multilingualism in the UK, the first city that comes to mind for most people is probably London! However, it isn’t the most linguistically diverse city in the UK, let alone western Europe. In fact, that title belongs to the...

Top Tips for Learning a Language and Improving Fluency

When you ask most people what one thing they’d like to achieve before they die, learning a foreign language is a very common response, particularly for native English speakers. With the rise in language-learning methods, from night classes to online apps, more people...