Written by Shannon Walker. According to 2018 statistics, there are over 170,000 combined refugees and asylum seekers...

Written by Shannon Walker. According to 2018 statistics, there are over 170,000 combined refugees and asylum seekers...
When one thinks of language diversity and multilingualism in the UK, the first city that comes to mind for most people...
When you ask most people what one thing they’d like to achieve before they die, learning a foreign language is a very...
(Written by Callum Madle) With user numbers of language learning apps like Duolingo up 67% globally and up 132% in...
Memorisation vs. Immersion – Which is the Best Way to Learn a Foreign Language? By Phoebe Harrison In...
( Written by Callum Madle and Phoebe Harrison) As of 2021, estimates show that there are over 7,139 languages...